Benchmark Assessments
Teachers continually monitor student progress in the classroom setting. All students, grades K - 5, are administered multiple assessments throughout the school year. These assessments are benchmark assessments which indicates teachers will use the results to determine students' individual instructional needs and develop strategies to successfully meet those needs. Listed below are the most common assessments that are administered to all students in the Carlisle Area School District.

Dibels (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills)
Will be administered to all K-5 students in September, January, and May. This assessment tests reading fluency.
Parent's Guide to Dibels Assessment
Dibels Brouchure
DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment)
Will be administered to kindergarten students in January and May. Gr. 1-2 students and selected Gr. 3-5 students will take this in September, January and May. This assessment tests reading, fluency, and comprehension.
DRA Summary
Frequently Asked Questions About DRA
GRADE (THE Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation)
Will be administered to grades 1 and 2 students in September, January, and May. This assessment tests reading vocabulary and comprehension.
Grade Brochure
Will be administered to grade 3, 4, and 5 students in September, November, January, and May. This assessment tests vocabulary, comprehension, and answering an open ended question.
4-Sight Benchmark Assessment Information
4-Sight Brochure
Every Day Math
Will be administered on the computer to all students grade 1-5 to assess their progress in math.
Assessments in Everyday Mathematics

Grade(PDF - 268 KB)
Dibels(PDF - 422 KB)
4Sight(PDF - 293 KB)
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